Nature programs in October provided by Hannibal Parks & Recreation give different ways to celebrate nature.

  • Pirate Ridge Trail Hike will be 10 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 9 at  Sodalis Nature Preserve. Participants will explore the Pirate Ridge Trail while observing seasonal changes. The trail is rustic so the 3-mile hike will be on rugged terrain and will take about 2 hours.
  • Fabulous Fall Foliage will be 2 p.m. Sunday Oct. 27 at Riverview Park playground. The nature program will focus on learning why leaves fall off the trees and turn color in autumn. Participants will collect leaves, learn about deciduous trees, and make a community nature mandala.

Gale Rublee, Hannibal Parks & Recreation nature educator, will lead the nature programs. She has previously been a naturalist and teacher at Shaw Nature Reserve in St. Louis and has been a storyteller and actor. She is the coordinator and teacher for the Bluff City Theater Youth Education Theater Initiative.

The nature programs are free but reservations must be made by calling Hannibal Parks & Recreation at 573-221-0154 or emailing [email protected].