Last day of Aquatic Center
08/21/2022 @ 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
The last day of the Hannibal Aquatic Center is Sunday Aug. 21. The first day of classes for Hannibal Public Schools is Aug. 24.
Hannibal Parks & Recreation manages the Hannibal Aquatic Center, 1700 Pleasant Drive, which is open noon to 6 p.m. every day in the summer. There are 10 lifeguards on duty at all times and four front desk/concession personnel, along with a manager.
Unused punch passes may be used in the next pool season.
The Hannibal Aquatic Center will open May 27, 2023.
Hannibal Aquatic Center
1700 Pleasant Street
United States
News and Events
Scavenger Hunts
The Hannibal Parks & Recreation Department has developed Scavenger Hunts to encourage visitors to the Hannibal parks. Hannibal children, along with visitors to Hannibal, will have a chance to explore our parks in a different way. These free activities allow participants to learn more about Hannibal Parks and to earn a free treat from a local business in the process!
Here are the scavenger hunts available so far (check back for future additions).