Summer Pickleball Leagues
07/02/2020 @ 5:30 pm
Cost: $35
The summer Competitive/Intermediate/Leisure Pickleball Leagues return on Thursday, July 2, 2020 at the Huckleberry Park Courts. They will run on Thursdays from July 2nd to August 6th, with a Competitive Tournament to follow on Thursday, August 13th.
Leagues may be combined based on number of registrations received. Schedule will be determined after all registrations are received.
$35 per team (doubles only) – ages 13 & up. Register only at the HPR Office (320 Broadway) by June 24, 2020. Call 573-221-0154 for more information!
Leisure League Registration
Intermediate League Registration
Competitive League Registration
Huckleberry Park
1300 30th St
United States
News and Events
Scavenger Hunts
The Hannibal Parks & Recreation Department has developed Scavenger Hunts to encourage visitors to the Hannibal parks. Hannibal children, along with visitors to Hannibal, will have a chance to explore our parks in a different way. These free activities allow participants to learn more about Hannibal Parks and to earn a free treat from a local business in the process!
Here are the scavenger hunts available so far (check back for future additions).