There is still room for participation in nature programs this weekend in Riverview Park, starting at the shelter near the playground.

  • Night Hike will be 7 p.m. Friday April 12. Participants will hike a little more than 1 mile on a paved trail and hear about the history, wildlife and plant life of Riverview Park.
  • Sensing Spring will be at 2 p.m. Sunday April 14. Participants will explore how plants and animals survived the winter and are thriving during the spring weather.

Gale Rublee, nature educator, will lead the nature programs. She has previously been a naturalist and teacher at Shaw Nature Reserve in St. Louis and has been a storyteller and actor. She has lead nature interpretive programs at Shaw Nature Reserve, Camp Wyman, the Living Well Village and at Gardner Camp in Hull, Ill. She is in the Master Ecologist program and Master Naturalist program in Missouri and is coordinator and teacher for the Bluff City Theater Youth Education Theater Initiative.

The nature programs are free but reservations must be made by calling Hannibal Parks & Recreation at 221-0154 or emailing [email protected].